Cure of AVN – Avnfoundation

Treatment options for Avascular Necrosis (AVN)

What can be done for the condition?

Once AVN has occurred, the treatment choices are determined by how long the problem is persisting and your symptoms. While the symptoms may be reduced with pain medications and anti-inflammatory medications, no medical treatments will restore the blood supply to the femoral head and reverse the AVN.
If you are diagnosed with AVN at stage II or even III, then it is too early for a total hip replacement. Your surgeon will ask you to take medication to manage your pain; or perform core decompression. Since any of these treatment modalities do not reverse the disease, you are bound to require hip replacement in the future. Artificial hips do not restore all types of joint movements. You can only walk, sit on a chair or sofa and climb stairs. You may be refrained from routine activities like running, jogging, routine exercises like surya namaskara, sitting down of floor with crossed legs.  This artificial hip also has a life span and needs to be changed after about 10-12 years. Even there may be loosening of the attachments as a nonliving artificial part is attached to living bony structures; in which case you may require frequent interventions or revision surgeries.
Cell Based Living Drug Treatment

In India there is one GOLD STANDARD cell based treatment available that has shown promising results in more than 250 patients with more than 98% success rate. It is done in two simple minimally-invasive steps – Harvesting Biopsy and Implantation.

Step I: Harvesting Biopsy

The cell based treatment is personalized and autologous, where you will be asked to admit for a short day care procedure in the hospital. A small quantity (4 ml) of your bone marrow (thick blood tissue within the flat or round ends of bones) will be taken out with a long needle. A special Biopsy Kit will be used to collect and transport this bone marrow biopsy for cell processing. Collected bone marrow specimen is sent under temperature controlled mode to cell processing center (Laboratory) for cell culturing for about 4-6 weeks to grow your own bone forming cells, Osteoblasts in a controlled environment.

Step II: Implantation of live cultured Osteoblast cells

This involves small opening through a small incision, necrotic (dead) bone is gently removed with the help of curette; followed by implantation of patient’s own live cultured bone cells (Osteoblasts) at defect area of hip joint(s). Once the cell dose is ready, you will be again asked to get admitted in the hospital. The entire procedure to implant in your body may take not more than 30 minutes and is done under anesthesia.

The aim of this treatment is to CURE AVN by helping body for forming completely new healthy bone tissue and stops the disease process through osteogenesis and new vascularisation. This is a completely natural way to regenerating true bone tissues and does not require any repetition like artificial hip replacement. Proper rehabilitation and exercises will help you regain all normal movements and activities including running, jumping, sitting down, using the stairs, walking without limp and support.

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Physical Therapy
Surgical Intervention
Prophylactic measures
Reconstruction procedures


The surgical treatment options for AVN are Core decompression, Bone grafting, Osteotomy. Core decompression is done by removing the inner layer of bone to provide immediate pain relief by reducing pressure in the bone and decreasing inflammation. It enhances the process of creeping substitution and also encourages the formation of new blood vessels, thereby increasing blood flow to the bone. It is indicated in people with early stages of avascular necrosis, before the collapse of the head and when less than 30% of the femoral head is involved.
The preferred treatment for AVN is a core decompression with autogenous bone graft. But the supply of suitable bone is limited and its collection is painful with a risk of infection, hemorrhage, cosmetic disability, nerve damage, and a loss of function. Statin therapy, bisphosphonates or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be helpful as interim management, but bear a risk of progression to further advanced stage. Most patients address an orthopedic surgeon in advanced stages of the disease, after femoral head collapse. Total joint replacement is the treatment of choice in the final stages of avascular necrosis or when the joint is irreversibly destroyed.
An aging population and advance in surgical techniques have led to increased volume of regenerative orthopedic procedures. Bone regeneration by autologous bone (Osteoblast) implantation is one of the treatment concepts currently being developed, as it eliminates the problems of donor site morbidity for autogenous grafts, the immunological problems of allogenic grafts, and loosening of implants in total joint arthroplasty.
Bone marrow stem cell (BMSC) shows an osteogenic potential. They are the most potent bone regenerator with abundant cell numbers, high viability and osteogenic activities. They differentiate into Osteoblasts, adipocytes, myocytes, neuronal cells and a variety of other connective tissue.